Total Medals Earned: 939 (From 226 different games.) Total Medal Score: 12,270 Points
Medals Earned: 1/16 (5/280 points)
Finish the first area
Obliterate the first boss with all weapon slots equipped
Defeat the second boss
Defeat the first boss
Fly 3,000 miles
Kill 4,000 enemies
Collect 2,000 gems (spending them is allowed)
Use each weapon in the game at least once
Defeat the fourth boss
Reach level 20
Defeat the third boss
Finish area 4 of AHK-372 with only a bullet rifle
Finish area 3 of Coeus without triggering any sentry lights
Finish area 4 of Erebos without taking any damage
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 2/4 (10/45 points)
Fire your finger guns for the first time!
lose a run by being really bad at video games!
Use the 'Heroin' Item for the first time!
Beat the Shoot Trip Die Demo
Medals Earned: 1/92 (5/460 points)
Welcome to Shrimp-OS
Have EVERY (important) application installed at once
Who turned out the lights?
Find the Shrimpcoin Miner software
Cover your shrimptop in icons
Make somebody upset
Be real loud
Hilarious Dancing Shrimp!
Medals Earned: 4/10 (100/325 points)
Hi, my name is Tom
Too much exposition
And your name is on it
This is in your history forever
And I just shaved, too!
I'd like to check myself in
Heh, Emily Queer, get it?
Not nerf guns this time, though.
Well aren't you special?
Medals Earned: 11/12 (110/120 points)
Find the evil!
Find some barbed wire!
Find some blue blobs!
Find the chicken!
Find a dish on a projector!
Find kitty ears!
Find fire!
Find guns eaten for breakfast!
Find a cool mecha helmet!
Find the potions!
Find some weird shrooms!
Find a wee bird on a bigger bird!
Medals Earned: 2/17 (10/500 points)
Die within 10 seconds
Hit yourself
Go through the walls
Ram head first into a rock
Get the SNEK to 10,000 points
Have SNEK reach max speed
Get the SNEK to 15,000 points
Be one segment long
Be 300 Segments Long
Get the SNEK to 25,000 points
Keep SNEK alive for 5 minutes
Get the SNEK to 50,000 points
Make it to the top of the leaderboards
Run SNEK on any device
Medals Earned: 1/12 (5/145 points)
Go the minimum speed
Go quickly
Get negative 20 rings
Get 100 rings in a row without missing any
Get negative 50 rings
Get a negative number of rings
Kill 2 enemies as Sonac without touching the ground
Get negative 100 rings or something like come on
Kill 5 bees
You went too quickly
Defeat Mr. Eggs in battle
Kill 3 enemies as Sonac without touching the ground
Medals Earned: 3/14 (15/290 points)
A Nice Center Smash
Five Love Taps
Far Right Smoosh
Cut Off a Conversation
Ten Crush-Hugs
You Obey the Rule of Three for Big Yucks!
Far Left Hit
Fifteen Gory Love Lunges
20 Hits in Survival
Perfect Score in Story Mode
21 Spikey Embraces
30 Hits in Survival
40 Hits in Survival
50 Hits in Survival
Medals Earned: 7/12 (65/250 points)
You made it through the morning shift!
You're over the hump!
You've survived through 5 mascots. OK.
You're getting up there!
You've learned the fine art of the rebound. Or just got lucky.
You got your first 6 point hit! We're so proud!
You smashed 50 guys in one game sitting! That's a lot!
You made it! Now time for be-ew-ti-ful dreams.
You survived 20 psychotic mascots! You're a spiking GOD.
You got mad points with little to work with!
You completed employment mode with 100% security!
Perfect in the monster challenge
Medals Earned: 2/6 (15/180 points)
Kill your enemy
3 star a level
Die 100 times or more
play 16/32 levels
complete all 32 main levels
3 star all levels